The City of Vader hired Civil West Engineering to complete a Wastewater Facilities Plan Update in 2017. As part of that plan, it was recommended to build a new Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for the City using the existing 3 lagoons. In 2018, the City signed an agreement with Civil West to design the new WWTP.
After the design and permitting process was completed, the project broke ground in 2021. The new WWTP includes modifying the lagoons to operate as a Dual-Power Multi-Cellular lagoon treatment system. This new system also includes new headworks, lagoon lining, a disinfection system, outfall, and a new control building.
Civil West identified this project in the 2016 WWMP Update to provide the infrastructure to allow the City of Veneta to develop the east side of the City. This was needed due to the lack of capacity in the existing collection system as well as the topographic conditions in this area of the City. Civil West completed the predesign and final design phases. The project consists of 4150 linear feet of 15-inch gravity main, 4300 linear feet of 10-inch force main, 13 new manholes ,a 30-foot deep wetwell, 860-gpm solids handling pumps, mechanical piping, valve vaults, a control building, SCADA controllers, and electrical upgrades. This project required a 2000-foot horizontal directional drill to install a section of the force main under the Port of Coos Bay Railroad and surrounding wetland areas and a 100-foot jack and bore under State Route 126 (Florence-Eugene Highway). Civil West obtained permits/approval from the Department of State lands, the Army Corps of Engineers, DEQ, the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay Railroad, the Oregon Department of Transportation, and the State Historic Preservation Officer.
Due to the aging and deteriorating infrastructure of parts of the City of Winston, the City reached out to Civil West to provide design and construction management consulting for the improvements of sewer lines and roadway sections located eastside of Winston. Poor existing conditions of the sewer lines needing replacement were identified by the City as large sources of Inflow & Infiltration (I&I). The existing roadways above these lines were also full of potholes and exhibited poor structural qualities overall.
The design work of the systems improvements provided by Civil West included the replacement of approximately 1370 lineal feet of 8” Existing Sewer with 8” PVC Sewer main, six 48” Sanitary Sewer Manholes, and 30 sanitary sewer laterals. 740 lineal feet of Sewer line within Jorgen Street was replaced from MH I17 to MH I20, and 630 lineal feet within Ronald Avenue from CO O44 to MH O42. Also included in the project was the repaving of Ronald Street, Theodore Street, and Jorgen Street with minor drainage improvements. The roadways of Ronald Street and Theodore Street were completely reconstructed and the roadway of Jorgen Street was ground and overlayed with new layers of AC.
Civil West Engineering has supported the City of Myrtle Point for over ten years and recently completed a major upgrade to the City’s wastewater treatment plant. This project included the construction of a new extended aeration activated sludge treatment plant and the construction of a new wastewater influent pump station. The facility’s new pump station was designed as a trench-type self-cleaning wet well that houses five pumps, two small pumps and three large pumps, to address the flow and cleaning needs of the facility. Each pump discharges through independent discharge pipes with an integrated magnetic flowmeter to monitor total flow from each pump and the entire facility.
This project also included interceptor pipeline replacement, construction of a new headworks with mechanical screen, grit classifier, and chemical injection prior to the wastewater flow being directed to two available treatment basins with integral clarifiers. The project also included the conversion of the City’s old treatment plant, located directly adjacent to the new facility, into a class ‘A’ biosolids facility. Civil West has supported this project from the preliminary planning and funding through startup, and we continue to assist the City as they work to improve their community’s infrastructure.
The City hired Civil West to design a new pump station and forcemain improvements to replace an existing pump station and forcemain. This pump station receives waste from one of the City’s STEP systems and multiple gravity-conveyed basins and conveys the wastewater to another section of gravity line. In addition we replaced 1,000 lineal foot of 16” sewer main with trenchless technology. This project was completed in 2020.
Civil West became the Engineer of Record for the City of Winston in 2018. Since then we have worked on several projects for the city including downtown sewer improvements, the police department sewer main replacement, police department parking lot construction management, and city shop improvements.