Civil West, the Engineer of Record for the City of Lowell, designed improvements to two roadways adjacent to the high school. The pavement was in poor shape, and based on a Pavement Preservation Plan prepared by Civil West in 2018, the streets were both in need of a grind and overlay, as well as sidewalk improvements. Due to areas of subbase failure, sections of the road also needed to be excavated and a new base course installed. The City decided that while the roads were under construction, it would be a good time to replace old AC watermain. The total project included approximately 1300 lf of roadway, utility, and sidewalk replacement.
The scope of this project started out with the design and construction of several intersection bulb-outs in order to improve pedestrian safety and over the course of a few years transformed into a full redesign of the 4th street corridor between Golden Avenue and Market Avenue.
This comprehensive corridor rebuild consisted of a complete road reconstruction, a rebuild of the entire pedestrian route system including sidewalks, driveways, and pedestrian ramps, new signalization, signs, and underground utility improvements including storm drainage, street lights, and two fully new signalized intersections.
Civil West completed preliminary planning, final design, bidding, and construction phase of services for this roadway rehabilitation and utility replacement project on Golden Avenue from Seventh Street to Fourth Street.
Golden Avenue was originally paved with Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) and has been overlaid with Asphalt Concrete (AC). The existing roadway had exceeded its service life and is showing signs of failure. The sidewalk, pedestrian ramps, and driveways did not meet current ADA standards needed to be updated. This road is important to the City as it is the primary access to the US Post office and serves Marshfield High School.
The project replaced/reconstructed approximately 750 LF of roadway including the curb, gutter and sidewalk along that corridor. This project will also upgrade nine pedestrian ramps, seven driveway approaches, replace 600 LF of sanitary sewer and associated laterals, replace approximately 500 LF of storm drain main, and upgrade existing storm drain catch basins throughout the improved corridor.
We completed a project for the City of Florence that included major rehabilitation and improvements for approximately 6,000 lineal feet of existing roadway. The project also included significant utility infrastructure improvements, including the installation of over 6,600 linear feet of new potable waterline, and approximately 1,300 lineal feet of new underground storm water infrastructure.
Rhododendron Drive between 9th Street and Highway 101 had been without restorative improvements for far longer than its design life expectancy. The combined presence of potholes, alligator cracking, and sinkholes, together with the old age of the pavement, compromised the roadway structure and in many locations rendered the pavement entirely unusable.
As a part of this project, approximately 3,300 lineal feet of existing roadway were retrofitted with new curb, gutter, and sidewalk, on one side of the road. Stormwater facilities were also upgraded to collect and convey stormwater safely away from the project area.
The City of Florence received federal funding through the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program. The proposed improvement area was spread throughout the City and consisted of 64 ADA compliant pedestrian Ramps. The design of the new pedestrian safety improvements included new sidewalks, asphalt paths, ADA-compliant pedestrian ramps, highway crossings with rapid flashing beacons, as well as other pedestrian safety related improvements.